Vector Class In Java

  • vector is a one kind of dynamic array.
  • default capacity of vector is 10.
  • when overflow the vector class (Greater than) than its grow with double capacity.
  • Vector is synchronized.
  • it has a capacity() to ensure the vector capacity.
  • Vector contains some spacial methods that not a part of collection framework.
  • Vector proves to be very useful if you don't know the size of the array in advance
  • you need to import java.util.*;

NOTE : if equal capacity and size of elements than not grow.

Constructors :

Vector() create a vector with initial capacity 10.
Vector(int size) create a vector with one parameter size is capacity you can define.
Vector(int size, int incr) create a vector with initial capacity and increement value when overflow it that you can define
Vector(Collection c) create a vector contains the Collection.

Methods :

void add(int index, Object element) you can add element at spacific index
boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) add Collection start at spacific index.
void addElement(Object obj) add element at last position of vector class.
int capacity() it returns the capacity (size) of an vector.
void clear() it is used to clear the vector.
boolean contains(Object elem) check wather elements is contains in vector.
boolean containsAll(Collection c) check wather entire collection in vector.
Enumeration elements() return enumeration of vector elements.
Object get(int index) get element by spacifying index.
boolean isEmpty() check wather the vector is empty or not.
Object remove(int index) remove element by giving index of elements.
boolean remove(Object o) remove element by giving object as parameter.
Object set(int index, Object element) you can replace element by spacifying position.
List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) create a sublist of inclusive fromIndex to toIndex.
Object[] toArray() return an array.
void trimToSize() Trims the capacity of this vector to be the vector's current size.
public int size() returns number of elements in vector.

Example of Vector class.
// Vector class
// class B that extends A and implements C
 class VectorExample{
  public static void main(String... str){
   // create a empty vector has default capacity is 10.
   Vector v=new Vector();
   // first we check initial capacity of vector class
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());
   // add one String object
   // add one int value
   // add one float value
   // check vector class capacity
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());
   // add another 7 values to check capacity
   for(int a=0;a<7;a++){
   // check vector class capacity
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());
   // now remove one
   // check capacity
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());  
   // enumeration for print each elements of vector class
   // v.elements() is method of vector class that return enumeration
   Enumeration venum = v.elements();
     System.out.print(venum.nextElement() + " ");
   // now clear vector class
   // print size of vector class   
   System.out.println("Size : "+v.size());

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