Set Interface | List Interface |
It is collection of unique elements. | It may contains duplicate elements. |
It is a distinct list of elements which is unordered. | List is an ordered sequvanceof elements. |
No new additional method other than collection. | New Methods other than collection are defined in a list. |
Can use only Iteratorto traverse Set. | Can use both Iterator and ListIterator to traverse list. |
Set Interface does not allowNULLvalues. | List Interface allows NULL values. |
Sub class of Set Interface are : - HashSet [ unordered ] - TreeSet from SortedSet [ Ordered ] |
Sub class of List Interface are : - ArrayList - LinkedList - Vector |
It is Based on values. | It is Based on Index. |
Example : Set s=new HashSet(); |
Example : List l=new ArrayList(); |
Example of abstract class and interface in Java :
// Set Interface example
import java.util.*; class SetInterface{ public static void main(String... str){// unordered
Set s=new HashSet(); s.add(1); s.add(2); s.add(5); s.add(8); System.out.println(s);// ordered
Set s1=new TreeSet(); s1.add(4); s1.add(2); s1.add(9); s1.add(1); System.out.println(s1); } } Output : [1,2,5,8] [1,2,4,9]// example of List interface
import java.util.*; class ListInterface{ public static void main(String... str){ List l=new ArrayList(); l.add("XYZ"); l.add(10); l.add(1.5f); l.add('c');//null value accept
l.add(null); l.add(true); System.out.println(l); } } Output : [XYZ,10,1.5f,c,null,true ]