javacpl.cpl :
- javacpl.cpl is a java controll panel belonging to an java(TM) Platform SE 6 U5 from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Non-system processes like javacpl.cpl originate from software you installed on your system.
- Since most applications store data in your system's registry.
- To stop javacpl.cpl permanently uninstall 'Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U5' from your system.
javac :
- javac is a compiler program. it compiles java source program [ .java ] into bytecode class file [ .class ]
- To use javac you need to add java bin directory path in your system variable.
- javac is inside the JDK_HOME/bin in java directory in windows.
- How to compile java source program follow the steps.
- First if you don`t set Environment path then setup. and open "command prompt".
- press [ windows key + R ] and type [ cmd ].
- Now, write javac
javaw :
- javaw.exe is located in bin directory.
- javaw.exe is very similar to java.exe. It can be considered as a parallel twin. It is a Win32 GUI application.
- his is provided as a helper so that application launches its own GUI window and will not launch a console. Whenever we want to run a GUI based application and don’t require a command console, we can use this as application launcher. Eclipse is used javaw.exe.
import javax.swing.*; public class HelloWorldSwing { private static void createAndShowGUI() { JFrame jFrame = new JFrame("HelloWorld Swing"); jFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JLabel helloLabel = new JLabel("Hello World!"); jFrame.getContentPane().add(helloLabel); jFrame.pack(); jFrame.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); } }
- We can execute the above GUI application using both java.exe and javaw.exe If we launch using java.exe, the command-line waits for the application response till it closes. When launched using javaw, the application launches and the command line exits immediately and ready for next command