Best way to earn money from youtube - Online jobs from home

Youtube is third most popular American video-sharing website in Internet after the google and facebook started in 2005. It is world’s largest free video sharing community and the most interesting site to enjoy watching different kind of videos.YouTube earns advertising revenue from Google  AdSense, a program which targets ads according to site content and audience. 

Youtube is owned by the Internet search engine company google and it allows people to create their own channel and upload their own videos to earn money.

If you watched youtube videos, You will find the videos not from a movie channel ,TV channel  or the videos from any celebrity but you also find the user generated video content.

That means people like you. Youtube not only host our videos freely but it also allows us to earn money by participating its partnership program.

you need to create some interesting videos and upload it in youtube. I have seen lots of channel which has the videos like bolly kicks, cooking items, if you do not have a camera to record then you can record video through your smart phone.

Youtube is one of the best way to earn money through your creativity. People are earning more than 100000$ every month simply uploading their videos. If you can upload atleast 50 to 70 interesting videos then easily you can earn $300 to $600 every month.

What is youtube partnership program?

Youtube partnership program is nothing but monetizing your own videos to participate its revenue sharing program. Once you monetized your videos , Google will show the Adsense ads inside your videos. When people will click those ads you will make some percentage of revenue generated through that commercial ads.

How to create youtube channel?

1. First Sign into youtube using your gmail account. Once you signed in,  you will find "my channel" option (left side top). And click on it.

2. Now you will get one pop up for channel name.

3. Now need to verify your change becasue if your channel is not verified then it will not allowed you to upload video more than 15 minutes. 
        for verification of your channel please follow steps...
    • sign in to youtube
    • click on my channel left side
    • next click on video manager
                       Click on Video Manager

                       Then you will see different options in leftside. click on channel. 

                       Once you click on channel, you will find verify option right side of it.

4. Enable your channel for monetization

Next click on channel then right side you will find the monetization option. There you can click on enable.

5. Now Associate your adsense account to get paid

You have done everything. But question is how will you be get paid ? for that you must need an adsense account to associate it in your youtube account.
If you already have an adsense account approved in your name then you can associate it in your youtube account or if you do not have one then you can apply for a new account through youtube.

6. How to check your  youtube earning?

In youtube analytics you can check your views and earning everyday. Analytic will show how many visitors are coming to your videos and how much earning with graphs.

JQuery LightBox with Multiple Effects

JQuery Lightbox is a JavaScript library that displays images and videos by filling the screen.Thiis simple lightbox plugin based on the bootstrap modal plugin.Lightbox is a library that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images in modal.

How to User Lightbox ?

Step 1 - Load the Javascript and CSS

  1. Download and unzip the Lightbox from here.
  2. Look inside the js folder to find jquery-1.11.0.min.js and lightbox.min.js and load both of these files. Load jQuery first.
    <script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/lightbox.min.js"></script>
  3. Look inside the css folder to find lightbox.css and load it.
    <link href="css/lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  4. Look inside the img folder to find close.png, loading.gif, prev.png, and next.png. These files are used in lightbox.css. By default, lightbox.css will look for these images in a folder called img.

Step 2 - Turn it on

  • Add a data-lightbox attribute to any image link to activate Lightbox. For the value of the attribute, use a unique name for each image. For example:
    <a href="img/image-1.jpg" data-lightbox="image-1" data-title="My caption">Image #1</a>
    Optional: Add a data-title attribute if you want to show a caption.
  • If you have a group of related images that you would like to combine into a set, use the same data-lightbox attribute value for all of the images. For example:
    <a href="img/image-2.jpg" data-lightbox="roadtrip">Image #2</a>
    <a href="img/image-3.jpg" data-lightbox="roadtrip">Image #3</a>
    <a href="img/image-4.jpg" data-lightbox="roadtrip">Image #4</a>

HTML Table For Games Like Google Games Table

HTML, CSS and JQuery Table For display Game Scores same like google game scores table.In table you can scroll table header and select tabs.for download full source code click the following download button...

JQuery Card Slider For Games

JQuery And CSS Slider For Card Games. This Slider is shows one card at a time and then click on any card it will show and slide automatically.

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      Free pricing tables with css and html templates included for free download is here for your web hosting website.A pricing table lets you to showcase your pricing and features.To keep user’s interest, the pricing table must be attractive in design and clear in data.Here is an awesome collection free html css pricing tables which allows you to implement a pricing table in few seconds.

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Responsive Html Web Price Table Template

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Vector Class In Java

Vector Class In Java

  • vector is a one kind of dynamic array.
  • default capacity of vector is 10.
  • when overflow the vector class (Greater than) than its grow with double capacity.
  • Vector is synchronized.
  • it has a capacity() to ensure the vector capacity.
  • Vector contains some spacial methods that not a part of collection framework.
  • Vector proves to be very useful if you don't know the size of the array in advance
  • you need to import java.util.*;

NOTE : if equal capacity and size of elements than not grow.

Constructors :

Vector() create a vector with initial capacity 10.
Vector(int size) create a vector with one parameter size is capacity you can define.
Vector(int size, int incr) create a vector with initial capacity and increement value when overflow it that you can define
Vector(Collection c) create a vector contains the Collection.

Methods :

void add(int index, Object element) you can add element at spacific index
boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) add Collection start at spacific index.
void addElement(Object obj) add element at last position of vector class.
int capacity() it returns the capacity (size) of an vector.
void clear() it is used to clear the vector.
boolean contains(Object elem) check wather elements is contains in vector.
boolean containsAll(Collection c) check wather entire collection in vector.
Enumeration elements() return enumeration of vector elements.
Object get(int index) get element by spacifying index.
boolean isEmpty() check wather the vector is empty or not.
Object remove(int index) remove element by giving index of elements.
boolean remove(Object o) remove element by giving object as parameter.
Object set(int index, Object element) you can replace element by spacifying position.
List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) create a sublist of inclusive fromIndex to toIndex.
Object[] toArray() return an array.
void trimToSize() Trims the capacity of this vector to be the vector's current size.
public int size() returns number of elements in vector.

Example of Vector class.
// Vector class
// class B that extends A and implements C
 class VectorExample{
  public static void main(String... str){
   // create a empty vector has default capacity is 10.
   Vector v=new Vector();
   // first we check initial capacity of vector class
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());
   // add one String object
   // add one int value
   // add one float value
   // check vector class capacity
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());
   // add another 7 values to check capacity
   for(int a=0;a<7;a++){
   // check vector class capacity
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());
   // now remove one
   // check capacity
   System.out.println("Capacity : "+v.capacity());  
   // enumeration for print each elements of vector class
   // v.elements() is method of vector class that return enumeration
   Enumeration venum = v.elements();
     System.out.print(venum.nextElement() + " ");
   // now clear vector class
   // print size of vector class   
   System.out.println("Size : "+v.size());

regular expressions in java

regular expressions in java

Java provides the java.util.regex package for pattern matching with regular expressions.
regular expressions can be used to search, edit, or manipulate text and data.

java.util.regex consist of following classes : 

  • Pattern
  • Matcher
  • PatternSyntaxException
  1. Pattern : It is used to define pattern or input we need from user.pattern class is not provide any constructor to create its object so we have to write its static compile() method.
  1. Matcher : A Matcher object is the engine that interprets the pattern and performs match operations against an input string. Like the Pattern class, Matcher defines no public constructors. You obtain a Matcher object by invoking the matcher() method on a Pattern object.
  1. PatternSyntaxException : A PatternSyntaxException object is an unchecked exception that indicates a syntax error in a regular expression pattern.
Some Sub-expressions are given below :

Sub-Expressions Description
^ Matches beginning of line.
$ Matches end of line.
. Matches any single character except newline. Using m option allows it to match newline as well.
\w Matches word characters.
\W Matches nonword characters.
\s Matches whitespace.
\S Matches nonwhitespace.
\d Matches digits.
\D Matches nondigits.
{n} Matches exactly n number of occurrences

Example of testing a password string that contains must one lowercase,uppercase,number and spacial character and minimum 6 and maximum 15 characters.
// regex Password validation
 import java.util.regex.*;

 class reg{
 public static void main(String... str) throws Exception{
  Pattern p=Pattern.compile("(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[@#$%^&+-]).{6,15}");
  Matcher m=p.matcher("1$6855146146Bbb");
Different between java v/s javac v/s javacpl vs. javaw

Different between java v/s javac v/s javacpl vs. javaw

javacpl.cpl :

  • javacpl.cpl is a java controll panel belonging to an java(TM) Platform SE 6 U5 from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  • Non-system processes like javacpl.cpl originate from software you installed on your system. 
  • Since most applications store data in your system's registry.
  • To stop javacpl.cpl permanently uninstall 'Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U5' from your system.

javac :

  • javac is a compiler program. it compiles java source program [ .java ] into bytecode class file [ .class ]
  • To use javac you need to add java bin directory path in your system variable.
  • javac is inside the JDK_HOME/bin in java directory in windows.
  • How to compile java source program follow the steps.
  1. First if you don`t set Environment path then setup. and open "command prompt".
  2. press  [ windows key + R ] and type [ cmd ].
  3. Now, write javac

javaw :

  • javaw.exe is located in bin directory.
  • javaw.exe is very similar to java.exe. It can be considered as a parallel twin. It is a Win32 GUI application.
  • his is provided as a helper so that application launches its own GUI window and will not launch a console. Whenever we want to run a GUI based application and don’t require a command console, we can use this as application launcher. Eclipse is used javaw.exe.

import javax.swing.*;

public class HelloWorldSwing {
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
        JFrame jFrame = new JFrame("HelloWorld Swing");
        JLabel helloLabel = new JLabel("Hello World!");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

  • We can execute the above GUI application using both java.exe and javaw.exe If we launch using java.exe, the command-line waits for the application response till it closes. When launched using javaw, the application launches and the command line exits immediately and ready for next command

Set Interface v/s List Interface

Set Interface v/s List Interface

Set Interface List Interface
It is collection of unique elements. It may contains duplicate elements.
It is a distinct list of elements which is unordered. List is an ordered sequvanceof elements.
No new additional method other than collection. New Methods other than collection are defined in a list.
Can use only Iteratorto traverse Set. Can use both Iterator and ListIterator to traverse list.
Set Interface does not allowNULLvalues. List Interface allows NULL values.
Sub class of Set Interface are :
- HashSet [ unordered ]
- TreeSet from SortedSet [ Ordered ]
Sub class of List Interface are :
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- Vector
It is Based on values. It is Based on Index.
Example :
Set s=new HashSet();
Example :
List l=new ArrayList();

Example of abstract class and interface in Java : 

// Set Interface example

import java.util.*;

class SetInterface{
 public static void main(String... str){
  // unordered 
  Set s=new HashSet();
  // ordered
  Set s1=new TreeSet();

Output : 

// example of List interface

import java.util.*;

class ListInterface{
 public static void main(String... str){
  List l=new ArrayList();
  //null value accept

Output : 
[XYZ,10,1.5f,c,null,true ]

Difference between abstract class and interface

Difference between abstract class and interface

Abstract Class Interface
Abstract class can have abstract and non-abstract methods. Interface can have only abstract methods.
Abstract class can have constructor. Interface can not have constructor.
Abstract class doesn't support multiple inheritance. Interface supports multiple inheritance.
The abstract keyword is used to declare abstract class. The interface keyword is used to declare interface.
Abstract class can have final, non-final, static and non-static variables. Interface has only static and final variables.
Abstract class can provide the implementation of interface. Interface can't provide the implementation of abstract class.
Calendar class is example of abstract class. ActionListener is example of interface.
 public abstract class Shape{
  public abstract void draw();
 public interface Drawable{
  void draw();

Example of abstract class and interface in Java

 // abstract class
 abstract class A{
  abstract void display();

 // interface
 interface C{
  void test();
  void disp();

 // class B that extends A and implements C
 class B extends A implements C{
  public static void main(String... str){
   B b=new B();
   // call interface methods
   // call abstract class method
  public void test(){
   System.out.println("test method.");
  public void disp(){
   System.out.println("Disp method.");
  public void display(){
   System.out.println("Display method.");